When you think of Cleveland Hip-Hop who comes to mind? Bone Thugs and… Well that’s it. Cleveland, a Midwest city currently in an urban renewal and explosion of local arts still can’t seem to find a substantial place in the national Hip-Hop community. Kid Cudi, who is arguably the biggest name in the Cleveland music scene, falls more into the alternative genre although most of his influence comes from hip-hop.
Like all movements, whether it is arts based or political, this one has to start underground. Local artists Tony Blunt and Tilla, collectively known as Tribe Lords (stylized as Trib3 Lxrd$) are looking to make that kind of splash on the local Hip-Hop circuit. Both Cleveland natives, Tony and Tilla are looking to define Cleveland Hip-Hop. “Cleveland is still looking for a sound” says Tilla. “The east side is doing more but we need both sides of the city to come together to make this work” Tony added. “Right now its like crabs in a barrel.”...