“This was a time where online content wasn’t new but we didn’t understand how far things would go. Most people still didn’t own smart phones and there was still the rare occasion someone would have dial up. Social media wasn’t even that big of a phenomenon yet Facebook had just expanded into allowing regular people to use their platform, not just Ivy leaguers.”
Blought #33: DMCA vs Music Pt. 2
“To me streaming is cheapening the value of the music. This past February Cary Sherman, Chairman and CEO of the RIAA released a statement saying that the RIAA would now recognize streams for certifications. An artist would only need 1500 streams to equal ten single sales or one album sale.
After only 30 seconds of listening to a song that counts as one stream.”
Blought #32: DMCA vs Music Pt. 1
“This past spring over 400 musicians, mangers and labels signed a petition urging congress to make changes to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act or DMCA.
The DMCA was unanimously passed by congress before being signed into law in 1998 by President Bill Clinton. At the time the internet as we know it was still in its infancy.”
Why Can't we Quit Reality T.V.
“Today Reality TV is the new norm. An un-official study from the late 2000’s reported that around 12.5% of all LA entertainment jobs were tied to reality shows. It also claimed that 40% of all on-location production was that of Reality shows. The most staggering statistic was that 57% of all television shows were Reality TV shows.”
Blought #27: Cable's Deathbed
Blought # 18: Is Traditional Radio Living on Borrowed Time?
Instead of listening to Eisenhower or FDR give an address over the radio you could watch Nixon on television since NBC, ABC and CBS could transmit broadcasts into the American home. By the 70’s and 80’s 8-track and cassette tapes made it easier to listen to the music you wanted, when you wanted and by the 90’s CD’s were revolutionizing music consumption all together.
Today the radio to me is pretty much useless. We can get news faster before our favorite radio host can tell us about it. Either it’s trending on social media or a Breaking News banner has already caught our attention online or on television. Television, which arguably took the radio out of the American home is on it’s way out due to internet television and streaming.
I love to listen to DL Hughley’s evening show on the way home. But with radio shows like the Breakfast Club and Sway’s Universe it’s easy for us ADD Millennials to be more attracted to the latter which utilizes the internet to supplement their on air interviews with online videos of the interview. And with the booming popularity of podcasts talk radio’s days are numbered. I can see a day when I’m in my 50’s and radio tuners no longer exist.
The internet will be so accessible in the near future that we’ll be able to stream anywhere anytime with minimal data restrictions. Services like Spotify, Pandora and Tidal already gives us the freedom to listen to whatever we please. Throw in Bluetooth capabilities and auxiliary ports in most cars, I predict traditional radio will be completely obsolete by 2030.